Episode 40: Mirko Draca on Sanctions and the Interests of Elite Policymakers in Iran

Mirko Draca is a Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick

The paper discussed in this episode is “On Target? Sanctions and the Economic Interests of Elite Policymakers in Iran”, by Mirko Draca, Jason Garred, Leanne Stickland, and Nele Warrinnier, and which is forthcoming at The Economic Journal.

Other papers mentioned in this episode are:

Snowberg, E., Wolfers, J., & Zitzewitz, E. (2007). Partisan impacts on the economy: evidence from prediction markets and close elections. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(2), 807-829.


Episode 41: Andrea Prat on the Allocation of Authority in Organizations


Episode 39: Yiqun Chen on Team-Specific Human Capital