Episode 33: Elena Lucchese on the Effect of Ambulance Response Time on Heart Attack Survival

Elena Lucchese is a Research Fellow in Economics at the University of Milan-Bicocca

The paper discussed in this episode is “It could be worse...it could be raining: Ambulance response time and health outcomes”, by Elena Lucchese

Other papers mentioned in this episode are:

Avdic, D. (2016). Improving efficiency or impairing access? Health care consolidation and quality of care: Evidence from emergency hospital closures in Sweden. Journal of Health Economics, 48:44-60.

Doyle, J. J., Graves, J. A., Gruber, J., and Kleiner, S. A. (2015). Measuring returns to hospital care: Evidence from ambulance referral patterns. Journal of Political Economy, 123(1):170-214.

Finkelstein, A., Gentzkow, M., and Williams, H. (2016). Sources of geographic variation in health care: Evidence from patient migration. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131(4):1681-1726.

Murphy, K. M. and Topel, R. H. (2006). The value of health and longevity. Journal of Political Economy, 114(5):871-904.


Episode 34: Luigi Butera on Measuring Shame and Pride


Episode 32: Jordi Blanes i Vidal on Face-to-face Communication in Organisations