Episode 29 (Job Market Edition): Marcos Salgado on Connections in the Spanish Empire

Macros Salgado is a PhD student and Job Market candidate at Stanford University

The paper discussed in this episode is “Building Loyalty through Personal Connections: Evidence from the Spanish Empire”, by Marcos Salgado.

Other papers mentioned in this episode are:

Fracassi, C., & Tate, G. (2012). External Networking and Internal Firm Governance. The Journal of Finance, 67(1), 153-194.

Xu, G. (2018). The Costs of Patronage: Evidence from the British empire. American Economic Review, 108(11), 3170-98.


Episode 30 (Job Market Edition): Evgenii Fadeev on Patent Citations between Suppliers and Customers


Episode 28 (Job Market Edition): Alex Wellsjo on Cue-Based Habits in Organisations